Bridge completion during the construction of the Interstate Sava Bridge near Gradiška
[Gradiška, 15.10.2021] On Friday, 15.10.2021, the large-scale project of the Interstate Sava Bridge near Gradiška, financed by the EIB (European…

Great Mosque of Algiers awarded "The International Architecture Award 2021"
[Darmstadt, 30.10.2021] The third largest mosque in the world "Djamaâ el Djazaïr" has been awarded the "International Architecture Award 2021" in the…

Changes in the management at KREBS+KIEFER
[Darmstadt, 01.07.2021] We are pleased to announce the following changes in our management as of 01.07.2021:

5 years of extension of Tram 8 - A success story
As the first cross-border tram line after World War II, the extension of tram Line 8 between Basel and Weil am Rhein was put into operation on 14…

Re-opening of Bundeswehrfachschule in Karlsruhe
Since September of this year, the vocational school of the German Army Bundeswehr in the Kirchfeld Barracks has been in operation again. The…

Opening of waterpark „Rulantica“ in Europapark Rust
As announced by the overall project manager Charles R. Botta since the beginning of the year, the new water park "Rulantica" as part of the Europapark…

BAW-Colloquium on the maintenance of lock installations
On 19 and 20 November, the BAW (Federal office for hydraulic engineering) organized a colloquium on the highly topical theme of "Preservation of water…

Wiesenfeld bypass: planning documents disclosed in the planning approval process
With the completion of the planning of performance phase 2-4 on the part of KREBS+KIEFER, the planning approval procedure for the Wiesenfeld bypass is…

Construction Career Day at the TU Berlin
Under the heading "jobwunderBAU", a career day with 30 exhibitors took place for the first time on 12 November at the Institute of Civil Engineering…

Topping-out ceremony for Wohnpanorama am Park – Dennewitzstraße 36-42
Right next to the park at the track triangle, the new building ensemble “Wohnpanorama am Park” is currently growing up. In the center of Berlin, where…

KREBS+KIEFER wins the Structural Award 2019 with Kienlesberg Bridge
The Kienlesberg Bridge in Ulm was awarded the prize in the category "Vehicle Bridges" at the Structural Awards 2019 of the British Institution of…