419 results:
Topping-out ceremony for primary school with daycare center in Frankfurt-Riedberg

A new district, Frank­furt-Ried­berg, is currently being built in the north of Frankfurt. In the long term, it will offer residential accommodation and amenities for around 15.000 inhabitants. After…

Official handover of the new student residence in Wildau

On 22nd No­vem­ber 2012, the new student residence was officially handed over to its owners, Stu­den­ten­werk Pots­dam. This means that the new accommodation directly on the campus of Tech­ni­sche…

Celebration at the Branich tunnel in honor of St. Barbara

4th December was a special day for the builders of this tunnel. They did not work on this day but instead held a celebration in honor of their patron saint, St. Barbara.There are plenty of reasons to…

Official opening ceremony for Katzenberg tunnel on the new and improved Karlsruhe – Basel railway line

On 4th December 2012, the imminent start of operations of the Katzenberg tunnel with the timetable change on 9th December was celebrated in advance with a symbolic opening ceremony.The significance…

3rd place in a competition to improve Messe Essen

As specialist advisers to HPP Ar­chi­tects, Düs­sel­dorf, Krebs und Kie­fer won a prize in the two-stage competition to improve the Messe Essen trade fair facilities. In addition to a first prize,…

1st prize in competition "Kultur- und Veranstaltungshaus Weikersheim"

Together with Munich-based architects HENN, landscape architects Nowak and other participants in the planning process, KREBS+KIEFER won the first prize in the competition to design a new culture and…

Topping-out ceremony for the new sales headquarters of Mercedes-Benz Germany in Berlin

A new administrative center is currently being built for Mercedes-Benz Sales Germany on the banks of the River Spree in Berlin. The jointless complex, which is being constructed as a “green…

KREBS+KIEFER joins waterway engineering association IWSV

Since the middle of this year, KREBS+KIEFER has been a member of IWSV (In­ge­ni­eur­ver­band für Was­ser- und Schiff­fahrts­ver­wal­tung – association of engineers for waterways and navigation…

Cornerstone of the Porta building on the MainTor site is laid

On 29th August 2012, the cornerstone of the first new building on the former Degussa site between Untermainkai and Neue Mainzer Straße in Frankfurt took place in the presence of Frank­furt’s mayor…

New ship lift in Niederfinow: current status of construction

The oldest ship lift which is still in operation, the ship lift at Niederfinow (built in 1934) is situated roughly halfway along the canal connecting the waterway hub at Berlin with the Baltic port…

Search results 351 until 360 of 419