Closure of the time capsule by the headmaster Mr. Steinke together with the architect Mr. Staudt and the District Mayor Mr. Hikel (from r. to l.)

Laying of the foundation stone for the new construction of the Leonardo-da-Vinci Gymnasium in Berlin

On 04/10/2018 the foundation stone laying was celebrated as an important milestone for the realization of the 5-tract Gymnasium (college prep school).

On 04/10/2018 the foundation stone laying was celebrated as an important milestone for the realization of the 5-tract Gymnasium (college prep school).

The time capsule was filled and cemented into the floor plate as part of the festivities, accompanied by music and the school choir.

A modern, energy-optimized and sustainable new building is being built for the approximately 900 students of the Gymnasium with focus on the arts and sciences.

The building complex in the Christoph-Ruden street will consist of two connected units, each two to three-stories high. The plans of architects Huber Staudt created a building, flooded with light conceptualized in an open and modern design. Even the room arrangements follow this progressive idea: A group of four classrooms cluster around their own group room and corridor assigned to them.

The certification per BNB (Bewertungssystem nachhaltiges Bauen / national standard for sustainable building) in Silver is expected to be awarded to this pilot project.

The services KREBS+KIEFER contributed to this project included structural engineering, preventive and constructive fire safety measures and the building physics with thermal protection for summer as well as winter, plus the building and room acoustics.